Receiving an unfavorable verdict in a case can be devastating to both you and your client. You likely invested a lot of time and effort in building what you believed to be an infallible strategy. Despite that fact, your client received a verdict that you feel does not equate with the evidence, testimonies and documentation you were able to provide during litigation. If you are able to show clear evidence that a legal error was made or that juror misconduct had a direct effect on the outcome of your client's case, you may have grounds to pursue an appeal. Our firm is here to help. Obtaining the services of an experienced private investigator will greatly improve your chances of obtaining the evidence you need to seek an appeal and obtain a more-positive outcome.
Batza & Associates, Inc. is a high-quality investigative services firm that specializes in conducting legal investigations and providing litigation service support to attorneys and law firms in all fields of practice. Our investigations are discreet and we are committed to helping our clients see that justice is served. For the last 12 years we have been a strong force in the California legal community. We understand that not all trials end in a fair and just verdict. If legal errors were made in a case you have been representing or if juror misconduct, bias, outside information or an external influence led to tainted deliberations, we will uncover that evidence so that you can file an appeal. Our team of skilled investigators and licensed attorneys have a long success record when it comes to finding and preparing the evidence you need to prepare for litigation or file an appeal. If you suspect legal errors or juror misconduct were responsible for an unfavorable verdict for your client, contact a California legal investigator at our firm right away. As long as the evidence exists, we are committed to finding it.